Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mission Experience

About 2 years ago I went to the Provo mall by myself to do some shopping. As some of you know this was a rare occasion for me to be somewhere by myself back then, but I worked up the courage to go by myself. I soon became hungry and craved panda express, so I went and got in line got my food and sat down. Soon a random guy came up to my table and sat down and started talking to me (this is also a rare occasion) I thought it was weird and shockingly enough for some people I'm super shy. So he told me his name was Erik and asked me for my number and I said no haha! Mostly because he was 9 years older than me and because he told me he was going to see an R rated movie and also because I don't normally give out my number. But he said we could just text and if I didn't want to I didn't have to. So I gave in and said ok, we got to know each other a little and became facebook friends and eventually just lost touch. Then around september of this year I was driving home from my sisters house and got a random text from him. I'm kind of someone who doesn't do small talk well and I was kinda confused as to why he randomly started talking to me haha. Then while I was studying my scriptures he texted me and asked me if he could write me on my mission. I was really confused now! Some random guy that I met at the mall wanted to write me on my mission...huh? So I said uh...ok? haha he then told me that he had been receiving the discussions from the missionaries and he'd seen my posts on facebook about my religion and my mission and was really interested in it because he could see my passion for the gospel. So of course I got way excited and said that it would be way cool! So we kind of became pen pals but over texting..haha he would tell me about his experience with the missionaries and what he learned and I would give him advice and answer questions and tell him personal experiences i've had. One question he asked was how I know this church is true. This question sticks out to me because one of my coworkers asked me the same question a few days before. (apparently I need to have a good answer for this question haha). Another question was about how I pray and tips on what to do when you pray. Seeing him learn made my faith knowledge and love for the gospel grow.  I think it made it easier for him to talk to someone over the phone because it can sometimes be hard to ask people questions face to face. Another thing that stood out to me was how the word of wisdom was hard for him, it's something i've lived my whole life...but he on the other hand had drank tea and coffee his whole life. I told him my perspective on it and he agreed and started working on getting rid of that habit. On halloween he texted me and told me he was given the ok for baptism! I was SO excited! On November 24th 2012 Erik got baptized!
       As many of you know I have a lot of friends who are not members or less active, they know my values and respect them. It can be frustrating and sad to see these people who I love and care for so much go down a path leading them to unhappiness. So much joy has come into my life because I am close to my Heavenly Father and have a passion for his church. And I want others to have that same joy in their lives. So to see someone like Erik who has gone through so much bad stuff in his life realize how happy this gospel makes him and even WHY his life was so hard is the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed in my life. It is truly a miracle. I have seen the power of the atonement a lot more than most. Not just for Erik but for many other friends I have, and it has made me so grateful for Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ's sacrifice. Because not only has it helped me in my life it has helped friends and family that I love and hold close to my heart!

         This experience has made me realize why I'm going on a mission there's so many reasons but If I can encourage someone like Erik to become a member of the church over texting and facebook imagine what I could do in person!!!  I love helping others and I want everyone to have the happiness they deserve. I have a passion for the gospel and want to spread the work of my Heavenly Father. those are a few select reasons :)
       Anyways I wanted to share this because Erik is an inspiration and has made me more eager and excited for my mission! I just wanna bear testimony to whoever in the world is reading this that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church. Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet of God and is given revelation from our Heavenly Father. I know that the Book of Mormon and the Bible are true. I believe that if we work together we can all return to live with Heavenly Father one day. I know the temple is the house of God and His classroom in which we receive gifts and learn and become closer to Him. The Holy Ghost is real, I know there was a reason why I met Erik and why I was given the talent to help him. This post is not to boast, it's to hopefully make people see how amazing the church is, and how awesome/amazing the atonement is! :)

That moment they finally get what you're talking about, when they realize how much they need God in their lives. When they feel the spirit and their lives become better. When they start living the gospel and knowing how amazing it is. That will be the best part of my mission. Because it has been the best part of my life so far. ♥ :) --a status I posted on facebook

 I really have been blessed with a talent and love for helping others and I am SO grateful for it. Heavenly Father knew how much I would grow from it and how much I need it in my life. I love the life I live and am grateful for every moment! :)

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