Thursday, June 13, 2013

Week 16

Hi family! 
What a great week it has been! Training is hard but so fun :) Sister Baird and I are getting along just fine :) This week we had zone conference which was super awesome :) It's always so fun to gather with missionaries and I got to see Sister Logan and Sister Hall! I was attached to them both for the whole day pretty much :) But it was a good conference they taught us how to plan and they want us to plan a week in advance so they want us to plan 10 days out in pencil! It’s insane but we did it and now we already have this whole next week planned out pretty much, so it did help a ton! :) Now I don't have to worry about knowing what to do every day which is nice :) that's probably been the hardest thing for me because I don't have Sister Hall to help and Sister Baird doesn't know much yet haha so I just pray that God will let me know what to do and it's worked out great so far!! :) haha Thursday and Friday were awesome days! Thursday I woke up coughing up a lung (I'm better now :) ) so we ran to the store to get me some cough medicine and I felt pretty good after that :) We headed over to Anderson Island and it's been SO SUNNY this WHOLE week! I've loved it oh so much! :) But we sat out on the deck on the ferry and it was so fun! We saw some porpoises out in the water! It was crazy and cool :) I loved basking in the sun on the back of the ferry :) then when we got to the community center I just went in and gave everyone a great big hug! I love those ladies! They’re fun! We helped this really old lady named M.J. make burlap flowers and it got all over but it was fun :) When we went to go see J. (the excommunicated member who's coming back) we talked about her getting baptized and the gift of the Holy Ghost, she's been on her journey back for 2 years and she's most excited about the gift of the Holy Ghost! So I told her that she should pray about the 22nd and she sat there for a minute in silence and she started crying and said "ya I think the 22nd is a good day" It was awesome! The spirit filled the room and I was so excited for her! I called Sister Hall right away and she flipped :) It was funny! Oh the joys of missionary work! On the way back on the ferry this ferry dude Spencer took us up to the wheel house and we got to see how they steer the boat! It was pretty cool! :) That night we went tracting down by the sound and it was soooo pretty! People were pleasant too :) haha but we came upon this house and all of the sudden out of nowhere an evil raccoon bolts out of nowhere and stands on the stairs of the house just staring at us with it's evil eyes. So I took it as either Satan's little angel trying to keep us away from the house or God telling us that we should stay away from the house, either way I wasn't confronting the evil raccoon :) don't worry we went back to that house later :) That night we taught Papa R. about the Priesthood and Temples, to tell you the truth I was afraid to teach him without Sister Hall because he asks some deep doctrine questions sometimes haha but I could just feel the spirit speaking through me the whole time! It was a really awesome lesson! After that we went to M. & D.'s and I taught them about Elder Hollands talk about faith and we were talking about leaps of faith and how they bring miracles to our lives and D. says "getting baptized was the best leap of faith in my life" !!! awh! It was so precious!!! :) Haha M. also told me how he's seen me grow so much since the first time he met me, and how he can see my confidence grow along with everything else :) And it's true...I have grown so much in so many ways. I've worked on a lot of weaknesses and it's been hard but I have come out a better and stronger person. I know that God is molding me into the servant He wants me to be, I can feel it. I am so grateful for it too :) On Friday we taught D. for the first time he's a 16 yr old african american and he just barely moved in with his aunt and uncle who aren't members but they want him to get into a church so we invited him to church and started teaching him! He's awesome! We taught him the restoration and I asked him how God has shown His love to him and he said that He helped him out of a bad situation and talked about how his mom wasn't a very good mom and as soon as he got out of that house and moved in with his aunt and uncle he met us! AWH! Another precious moment! :) haha anyways the lesson was spiritual and awesome and I put him on date for the 22nd! :) He's such a cool and humble kid, he just needs love in his life. That night we got dinner dropped off to us at our house so we decided to have a picnic out on our back porch, and all the sudden evil raccoon #2 darts out of nowhere and stands on our back porch! We screamed and ran inside, and it just sat there staring at us with it's evil little eyes...the raccoon's are out to get us! Then a lady was working on the grounds and I said "watch out there's a really creepy squirrel out there!" and she just looked at me like I was insane and then I realized what I had said and fell on the ground laughing :) That night during tracting we ran into the Real Jesus! Sister Hall and I have met him before his name is jesus real (spanish) haha it was quite funny :) We also met michael jordan! this was funny his name is Michael but i dunno his last name! He’s an african amaerican guy that looks pretty rough around the edges but everyone needs the gospel so I told him who we were and he was talking to us and I brought up the BOM and he says "oh no! I don't go there with the mormons!" and was about to shut his door so I say "did you know Jesus Christ came to the America’s?!" and he was like what? haha that got his attention so I told him more about the BOM and he asked if he could have one. I told him no. haha jk! I was like awh yes you can have one!!!! haha it was pretty funny :) But we're having a lesson with him next week :) hahaha! That night we went to the Liato's a Polynesian family. Ok I'm pretty sure I’m going to gain 50 pounds with all these Polynesians around! We’ve eaten at 3 of their houses this week! The Liato's the Agor's and the Stowers! We ate at the Stowers yesterday and we had horse, stuffed seaweed, torro root and raw fish. So those were pretty much the highlights of my week...I thought I’d tell you some random things :) So since it's been SO sunny this week I’ve gotten a bit tan, and I wear my toms every day and I got a tan line on my feet so it looks like I have hobbit feet! It’s insane...another fun fact is that I see at least 3 wild bunnies a day! They’re EVERYWHERE! I just wanna catch one :) haha fun fact #3 is there are deer everywhere too and they aren't afraid of people! They just stand there! I've gotten pretty close to a few then I get scared :) So you know fruit flies? ya...and how they're super annoying? WA they're called summer flies because they are EVERYWHERE!!!! There’s also obviously a lot of raccoons and squirrels I feel like I live in the forest 90% of the time :) its SO COOL! Other than that this week we've just been working really hard, we set good goals and achieved them which I’m really excited about. We've learned and grown a ton this week, I feel like I say that every day but it's true! We've come a long way from last week and we will continue on improving! It really is so rewarding to train because you learn so much...oh my goodness I can't even tell you! haha but I hope all of you are doing good! I'm doing amazing! :) Keep the letters coming and I will try to write back! Last p-day I wrote 1 letter because we were running all over the place but know that I love each and every one of you with all of my heart! You’re always in my thoughts and prayers and I miss you and am grateful for you! Have an amazing week and learn as much as you can! The gospel is true! :)  LOVE YOU!!!

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